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Anti-CyberBullying and Anti-Bullying Policy:

The Thompson Board of Education and Mountain View High School believe all students are entitled to a safe school environment, and furthermore, we believe all types of bullying, including cyber bullying, are unacceptable and as we have zero-tolerance for these offenses.  All incidents of harassment and/or bullying will be fully investigated by MVHS administrators with reports to parents/guardians.  Bullying offenses may also be reported to law enforcement officials.

Bullying can also be defined as “harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text.” This generally occurs through the use of computers, cell phones and/or internet (i.e. Twitter or Facebook).

Reporting Options for All Forms of Harassment/Bullying:
MVHS requests students and parents immediately report all forms of bullying or harassing behaviors to any school official.

Any person may also file a report with the MVHS Loveland Police Department’s MVHS School Resource Officer at 970.613.7810.

MVHS proudly participates with Safe-2-Tell, a Colorado organization that works as a state-wide clearinghouse for information to keep schools and to students safe.  Dial 1-877-542-7233 to make an anonymous call to Safe-2-Tellfor any student at any school in Colorado.