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 Resources Available for Academic Research


Databases are helpful when conducting research because the informaton is credible. You don't have to wonder if it's a good resource like you do when you Google a topic. Here are the database options that are available for free with your TSD login credentials. Feel free to explore!

Thompson School District Library Resources/District Databases and Software

Loveland Public Library (click on "Research a Topic")


Citing your sources prevents plagiarism. Here are several guides to help you:

  • Purdue OWL (TONS of resources; find Research and Citations on the left)

When using the tools below, make sure to pick MLA, APA, or whichever style your teacher prefers.

Using Images

Creative Commons has images that are free to use without violating copyright.

Are you using credible sources for your research?

This site, created by Stanford, provides great lessons on making sure you're finding factual information on the Internet.

Also, check out this slideshow, created by Mrs. Karen Kruckenberg at Harvard High School